Removable appliances

We’ve gathered up the most commonly asked questions about removable appliances and the best tips to properly care for them. Whether you’re just starting treatment or are considering an option that involves a removable appliance - here are helpful tips to guide you!

What is a removable appliance?

An orthodontic removable appliance is a small plate worn to correct early dental problems (usually worn by younger children). They are commonly used for simple tooth movements such as an overbite, jaw expansion, or single tooth problems.

What is a removable appliance?

Do removable appliances hurt?

No! When adjustments are made, it is possible to experience soreness 3 to 5 days after the appointment. Don’t worry, this is normal since your teeth are adjusting to the new mould. To treat any mild discomfort, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers.

Do removable appliances hurt?

Can I eat normally while wearing removable appliances?

You may take off your removable appliance while eating, brushing, flossing, or playing sports or musical instruments. While they offer convenience and flexibility, It is important to wear them for at least 22 hours per day for best results and a faster treatment time.

Can I eat normally while wearing removable appliances?

What is proper care during treatment with a removable appliance?

Here are ways to care for both your removable appliance and teeth during treatment:

  • Whenever you’re not wearing your appliance, always keep it in the protective case to avoid loss or damage. (Never store it in a tissue. You could accidentally throw it out!)
  • Resist playing with your removable appliance by clicking it in and out with your tongue as this can loosen or deform it and delay treatment time.
  • Follow the instructions your Specialist Orthodontist gives you to ensure a smooth and fast treatment journey.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use fluoride toothpaste. (Have a toothbrush whenever you’re out.)
  • Remove your appliance for cleaning, meals, or playing musical instruments or sports.
  • Use a fluoride rinse every night after brushing your teeth.
  • If you lose or damage your appliance, please call us as soon as possible so that we can get you a replacement. (Charges may apply for repair or replacement.)
What is proper care during treatment with a removable appliance?

How long do I have to wear removable appliances?

If you just need minor treatment, removable appliances can correct your teeth within 3 to 6 months. For more serious orthodontic issues, it can take 6-12 months and may vary depending on the severity of each case.

How long do I have to wear removable appliances?

Have more questions about removable appliances?

We’d be happy to help you with any questions on removable appliances and their proper care. Reach out to our friendly team today at Bayview Orthodontics.

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